GoGuardian on WindowsMicrosoft Partner - Education Specialist logo

Supercharged with support for Windows

GoGuardian for Windows devices helps educators create more effective, engaging, and safer learning environments where every student can thrive.

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What this means for you and your school

Guide exploration and focus

By viewing student work in real time, you can decide how to manage digital distractions and set guardrails specific to the subject being taught.

Filter anywhere

Wherever students are working on their school devices, they will have an improved, safer learning experience on Windows devices.

Respond quickly

Create faster response plans with insights into the phases of suicide and self-harm activity a student may be engaged in.

Design effective learning environments

Provide students with immediate access to class resources, automate classroom sessions, and leverage SIS integrations.

Understand key insights

You can quickly access insights on student browsing activity and ensure your students are practicing digital citizenship across search engines, web apps, and more.

Student safety

Identify online activity that indicates a risk of suicide, self-harm, or possible harm to others. (Including through Search.)

Available Now

GoGuardian Beacon™ on Windows

Help protect students from harm and violence.

GoGuardian Beacon helps schools support student mental health by identifying online activity that indicates a risk of suicide, self-harm, or possible harm to others. Medical professionals are citing an alarming increase in the prevalence of mental health challenges in America’s youth, and it’s not always easy to know when students are in crisis. Beacon helps designated educators and administrators identify online activity that indicates a risk of harm so that educators can better support students and get them the help they need.

  • Beacon alerts the designated responders to quickly activate your school’s response plan and get students help.
  • With Windows, Beacon works through browser-level analysis to search for suicide and self-harm indicators across search engines, web apps, and more.
Learn more about Beacon

GoGuardian Teacher™ for Windows

The interface of GoGuardian Teacher is displayed.


With GoGuardian Teacher providing a view into your students' online activity and giving you control over their devices, you can feel comfortable embracing technology in the classroom.

  • Teach confidently on Windows devices, knowing that your students are staying focused and on task.
  • With Windows, teachers also have control beyond the browser, including seeing and managing students’ desktop and applications.
Learn more about GoGuardian Teacher for Windows

GoGuardian Beacon™ for Windows

Help protect students from harm and violence.

GoGuardian Beacon helps schools support student safety by identifying online activity that indicates a risk of suicide, self-harm, or possible harm to others.

  • Beacon alerts the designated responders to quickly activate your school’s response plan and get students help.
  • With Windows, Beacon works through browser-level analysis to search for suicide and self-harm indicators across search engines, web apps, and more.
Learn more about GoGuardian Beacon for Windows

GoGuardian Admin™ for Windows

So much more than filtering.

GoGuardian Admin is a multi-layered content filtering solution providing full flexibility for your school's policies while drastically reducing time spent on configuration and maintenance. We unlock the potential of the internet for students while helping to block harmful and distracting content.

  • Experience the power of continuous, content-based filtering at the browser level on Microsoft Windows devices.
  • Customers with any number of Windows devices can now help protect their students using GoGuardian Admin.
Learn more about GoGuardian Admin for Windows
Admin Dashboard user interface

Operational Details

  • Supports Windows 10, 11 and later
  • Installs with Active Directory and Intune
  • Reduces passwords with single sign-on and SAML
  • Supports any browser

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